Setting up a linux server as torrent client

I wanted to setup a linux server so it will download torrents to an external drive. I tested this on Mint, but it should work on Ubuntu and other distributions.

  1. Install transmission-daemon.

    apt-get install transmission-daemon

After it’s installed it will run on port 9091 by default. You can change the port and other settings from the command line ( see transmission-daemon -help)

** Important **

For the changes to be applied properly, first stop the service with:

service transmission-daemon stop

After changing the settings start the service again

service transmission-daemon start
  1. Setup download dir

    transmission-daemon –download-dir=/path/to/your/folder

  2. Add access to IP’s ( for Web admin )

    transmission-daemon –allowed=IP HERE

  3. From your allowed computer go to


If everything worked fine you should be able to access the web interface where you can manage your torrent downloads.